What is your plan for the workplace?
While COVID-19 restrictions are relaxing, the Coronavirus still presents a very real threat. Preparing and maintaining a COVIDSafe workplace is something all business must consider. Safe Work Australia has recommended we review, and if necessary, update emergency plans where working operations have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you considered how you would deal with a case of COVID-19 in the workplace? Do the changes to your business practices affect your existing procedures in your emergency management plan?
coronavirus PREPAREDNESS
COVID-19 Gap Analysis and Risk Register
Introducing First 5 Minutes’ COVID-19 Gap Analysis and Risk Register. The COVID-19 analysis package is here to assist businesses in any industry to review their current compliance status against the requirements of the Australian Standard (AS) 3745-2010: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities and the Government COVIDSafe requirements. The Gap Analysis will include a detailed report identifying gaps that pose risks to a COVIDSafe workplace; evaluate the risk level; and follow by mitigation strategies and controls recommendations.
The report will assess areas such as
- Responsibilities for managing emergencies
- Evacuation procedures and types
- Equipment sufficiency
- Checklist on social distancing, hygiene and cleaning
Along with the completed Gap Analysis, a Risk Register will also be provided to assist in assessing the risk associated with COVID-19, from the sources of causing the risk to the effectiveness of the current controls and measurements.
coronavirus PREPAREDNESS
Let’s be prepared!
Despite being in the recovery phase of the pandemic, businesses must remain vigilant and ensure all staff fully understand the nature of COVID-19 and be prepared to respond to any kind emergency imposed by COVID-19.
First 5 Minutes’ COVID-19 Preparedness training provides the information and resources needed to prepare your response efforts. This short training session is recommended for business of all sizes and covers:
- Identifying COVID-19 symptoms
- What to say and how to share information across your business
- Considerations if staff are exposed to COVID-19
- Preventing/avoiding the spread of infection
coronavirus PREPAREDNESS
The new workplace
The Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, has advised businesses that have the ability to allow employees to work from home, they should. First 5 Minutes’ new training session – Working from Home Emergency Planning covers emergency preparedness in the home and tips for setting up a safe workspace and ideas for looking after your wellbeing.
We have also included a detailed checklist as part of this training, so you can perform your own safety check at home. This training is available via our Self Paced Online Training platform.
Webinar Q&A: Managing people and operations through this next phase of COVID-19
This Q&A webinar explores a variety of considerations and options in managing your organisation through the next next 3-6 months in response to COVID-19.
Webinar q&A: Managing cyber, from afar through COVID-19 with risklogic
Continuing the series of Q&A webinars, this session reviews the potential cyber threats that may occur during this pandemic and mitigation strategies.
For the latest advice, information and resources, go to
For more information regarding Safe Work Australia’s recommendations on emergency planning, go to
If you need any assistance or would require more information, please contact us.