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Emergency Evacuation Plans: The Ultimate Guide for Australian Business

An emergency evacuation plan is a structured strategy detailing how to evacuate a building or area safely and efficiently in case of an emergency. It outlines procedures, roles, and responsibilities to ensure the safety of occupants and minimise disruption to the facility and business. In this article, we delve into the key inclusions and requirements of an Emergency Evacuation Plan, as well as the significant benefits emergency planning provides.

Table of Contents

  1. What is an Emergency Evacuation Plan?
  2. Why do I need an Emergency Evacuation Plan?
  3. Key aspects of Emergency Management Planning
  4. Emergency Evacuation Planning Development Process
  5. Role of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)
  6. What do you do when the Assemble Area is no longer safe?
  7. The Importance of Emergency Preparedness Training

What is an emergency evacuation plan?

An emergency evacuation plan encompasses response procedures for a wide range of emergency scenarios, ensuring that both the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and occupants have clear directives for responding to emergency events.

Emergency evacuation plans, specifically outline policies and procedures for swiftly and safely addressing emergencies. These plans are essential for guiding occupants on how to identify and respond confidently during critical situations, such as fires or active threats.

Proactive preparation through comprehensive emergency management plans is crucial for maintaining occupant safety. The inherent stress of emergencies can make logical responses challenging in the heat of the moment. Emergency evacuation plans offer structured and rational procedures to enhance the effectiveness of responses, regardless of the nature of the emergency – be it a fire, natural disaster, human-related threat, or any other crisis.

Why do I need an emergency Evacuation plan

Property Owners and Managers are responsible for ensuring their fire safety and emergency response systems comply with Australian Standard AS3745-2010: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities. This includes having an effective emergency evacuation plan, which outlines emergency response procedures that aim to:

  • Reduce the effects of an emergency.
  • Prevent personal injuries.
  • Protect against loss of lives.
  • Minimise loss of property.
  • Minimise business interruptions.

Emergency Management Planning serves a critical role in risk identification and the development of mitigation strategies. Evacuation plans are instrumental in safeguarding facilities, businesses, and individuals. They encompass continuity and recovery planning, vital considerations for ensuring preparedness against various emergency scenarios.

Key aspects of emergency management planning

Emergency management planning involves evaluating several key aspects:

  • Human environment
    This entails analysing all human traffic, including permanent employees, contract workers, and visitors, considering peak periods of facility ingress and egress.
  • Physical environment
    Evaluation of the physical environment encompasses both interior and exterior elements.
  • Technological environment
    Traditionally, the complexity of the technological environment has meant analysis has been completed almost exclusively by IT departments. However, with an increase in volume and level of risk posed to a facility and business, it now needs to be a concern for all who are involved in reviewing and implementing an emergency preparedness plan.
  • Emergency services engagement
    Contacting public emergency services, such as police, fire, and emergency medical services, is crucial. Gather information regarding their response times to your location, their familiarity with your worksite and its potential hazards, and their capacity to handle emergencies at your facility.
  • Regulatory compliance
    Identify and adhere to any rules or regulations applicable to emergency planning for your facility. Ensure that these regulations are incorporated into your emergency plan.
  • Chain of command
    Establish a clear chain of command for both occupants and Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) members. It is imperative that everyone understands their role during an emergency.
  • Response evaluation
    During the risk assessment, determine which emergency situations warrant evacuation and which do not. For non-evacuation scenarios, outline the appropriate response procedures for occupants, such as sheltering in place, to ensure safety.

Assessing these facets comprehensively is fundamental to effective emergency management planning, contributing to the safety and security of the facility, its occupants, and the business.

Emergency evacuation planing Development process

Creating an emergency management plan must account for all potential threats your facility and occupants may encounter, along with appropriate response procedures. Evacuation routes and accommodations for occupants with special requirements, ongoing maintenance and training must also be included to ensure the safety of occupants. Collaboration with facility stakeholders and the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) is integral to this process.

The following are typical considerations for developing your emergency evacuation plan:

  • Assessing the fire risk in a facility
    When assessing the fire risk in a facility, identify areas prone to fires, such as cooking areas, cooking equipment, electrical sockets, kitchen utilities, and rubbish bins. Understanding these fire-prone areas is crucial for effective emergency planning. Fire-prone areas will need to be factored into the placement of fire extinguishers, for example.
  • Considering various “what if” scenario thought experiments
    Thinking through various possible scenarios and incorporating them into the emergency plan ensures a more robust and secure response strategy. Step through how different emergency situations could unfold and how they could be prevented or quickly brought under control.
  • Determining primary and secondary escape routes
    Clearly marking exits, and ensuring they remain unobstructed are vital elements of emergency evacuation planning, particularly in multi-floor facilities. If your facility contains multiple floors, then all floors must be included in your emergency evacuation plan. Evacuation diagrams should be readily viewable on each relevant floor for both occupants and wardens during emergencies.
  • Special consideration for individuals with disabilities
    Any individuals within the facility with disabilities, especially those with mobility issues, will need to be given special consideration. This includes the development of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for each of those individuals.
  • Designating assembly points
    Without pre-planned destinations known as assembly areas, chaos and panic will likely ensue among occupants evacuating. The assembly area needs to be a safe distance from the emergency and easily identifiable to avoid evacuees getting lost. Confirming the capacity of escape routes and assembly areas, and conducting headcounts are essential to evacuation planning.
  • Establishing a communication plan
    Including a designated communication liaison and a multichannel communication system is crucial for coordinating with emergency services and informing occupants on how to proceed during evacuations.
  • Regularly inspecting and maintaining fire-fighting equipment
    Fire extinguishers, emergency lights, fire alarms, escape ladders, PA systems, and fire doors need to be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure readiness for an emergency. Reusable fire extinguishers should be refilled once every 10 years at a minimum and your disposable extinguishers should be replaced once every 12 years.
  • Conducting annual evacuation exercises
    Annually held coordinated exercises help occupants prepare for evacuations and allow ECO members to practice their roles and responsibilities in a controlled setting. If an emergency event occurs, once it has been resolved, a retrospective study should be conducted to understand which procedures were followed and which were not. Learning from the real-world experience will be invaluable for improving your evacuation procedures.

Role of personal emergency evacuation plans (Peep)

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are essential for ensuring the safety of individuals with special needs during emergencies. These plans should be tailored to the specific requirements of each occupant. Here are the key components that should ideally be included in PEEPs:

  • Egress routes & orocedures
    Clearly define the egress routes and procedures that the occupant should follow during emergencies. This should include specific instructions on how to exit the building safely.
  • Egress route diagram
    Provide a visual diagram of the egress route that the occupant will use when evacuating. Visual aids can be especially helpful.
  • Assistance requirements
    Specify the type of assistance the occupant requires during emergencies in the PEEP. This may include mobility assistance, communication support, or other special accommodations.
  • Required equipment
    Identify any specialised equipment that the occupant needs to evacuate safely. This could include mobility aids, communication devices, or any other assistive tools.
  • Safety & refuge areas
    Highlight areas of safety and refuge along the egress routes where the occupant can seek shelter or assistance if necessary.
  • Appointed assistants
    List the names of individuals who have been appointed to assist the occupant in an emergency. Ensure that these appointed assistants are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Training requirements
    Determine if any training is needed for both the occupant and their appointed assistants to fulfill the requirements of the PEEP. Training should cover emergency procedures and the proper use of any equipment.
  • Evacuation exercise details
    Provide information about any planned evacuation exercises that will be conducted in the next six months. These exercises are essential for practising the PEEP and ensuring its effectiveness.
  • Additional requirements
    If there are any other specific requirements or considerations that go beyond the points mentioned above, be sure to incorporate them into the PEEP. Every individual’s needs are unique, so the plan should address any additional concerns or accommodations.

What do you do when the assembly area is no longer safe?

Should anything happen to the assembly area, a secondary area must be designated. This scenario is most likely in cases of a bomb threat, or if the primary areas are blocked or inaccessible. Key considerations for nominating an assembly area:

  • Designate safe zones
    Identify nearby locations that are safe from the immediate threat such as community centres, schools, or open fields. Ensure these areas have fire-resistant structures if possible.
  • Easily accessible sites
    Choose locations that are easily accessible by foot or vehicle. Roads leading to these sites should be clear and not obstructed by fire or other emergency threats.
  • Capacity assessment
    Ensure these assembly locations can accommodate all precinct occupants, taking into account the population density. Have a rough estimate of the number of people each site can safely hold.
  • Clear signage of evacuation routes
    Install clear signage within the precinct, indicating the directions to these alternative evacuation locations. Use universally recognisable symbols and multilingual instructions if necessary.
  • Communication
    Establish a communication system to alert occupants about the need to evacuate and the locations of the safe zones. This may include loudspeakers, SMS alerts, or a community siren system.
  • Training and drills
    Regularly conduct evacuation drills to familiarise occupants with the alternative locations and evacuation routes. This will help ensure a smoother evacuation process in an actual emergency.
  • Local partnerships
    Collaborate with local emergency services and community organisations to coordinate and facilitate evacuations, especially if the precinct is a large or densely populated area.
  • Provide emergency contact information
    Provide occupants with emergency contact information for local authorities, fire services, and medical services.

By implementing these measures, you can help ensure occupants are aware of safe alternative evacuation locations and have clear directions on how to reach them.

The importance of emergency preparedness training

To fully realise the benefits of emergency evacuation planning, training is essential. It enables the sharing and validating of procedures and processes outlined in the evacuation plan. Training ensures both occupants and the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) members are well-prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

  • Training objectives:
    * Prepare occupants and visitors for effective responses in the event of an emergency.
    * Cover safe evacuation procedures, assembly points, and how to react to unexpected complications.
    * Educate ECO members on their roles and responsibilities in ensuring occupant safety during a fire emergency.
  • Key training aspects:
    * Safe evacuation procedures and routes.
    * Assembly points.
    * Actions to take in challenging situations.
    * Roles and responsibilities of the ECO members.
  • Frequency of training
    Australian Standard 3745: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities outlines that warden training must be completed once every 6 months. By continuing to maintain this training schedule, facilities can ensure their wardens are fully trained and ready to take on their responsibilities.
  • Adaptability
    Training should also cover responses to unexpected situations, ensuring that individuals can adapt to changing circumstances, such as blocked escape routes or missing occupants.
  • Documentation
    Facility managers should maintain records of training sessions, drills, and revisions to evacuation plans. This documentation is crucial for tracking preparedness efforts and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Develop your emergency evacuation plan with first 5 minutes

First 5 Minutes offers specialised evacuation emergency planning services with consultants available across Australia. We hold a portfolio of diverse industries and property types that rely on our experience spanning more than 30 years.

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